Global Entertainment Technology, Inc.

Global Entertainment Technology, Inc.
On The Air Everywhere

Friday, August 26, 2016

With the Push of a Button - Dain Schult

Being in radio for what seems like forever, the thought was that when a listener driving in a car didn't like a song or a commercial, the easiest way to get rid of it was to push another button on the car radio and try another station (unfortunately the competitors).

These days with ad blockers for both computers and smartphones you don't even have to push a button anywhere to make the commercial or pop up ad go away.

Making a song go away and switching from one Internet Radio station to another is a different animal, to be sure, but all in all, it appears that it has gotten easier than ever to ignore the very thing any advertiser wants - to have their ad listened to or viewed and then acted upon.

What are your thoughts on this?

If you have any experience in dealing with this in marketing, I'd like to hear your thoughts. The Internet is the ultimate Tower of Babel already but there has to be a way to provide advertisers a path to success in marketing their services and products.

(As an aside, GET will be involved in both Terrestrial and Internet radio operations in states across the country, including, but not limited to Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Iowa and Wyoming.)

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